Student Dental Exam


 April 20, 2021

 Dear Parent/ Guardian:

 This letter is a reminder that all Kindergarten, 2nd, 6th and 9th grade students are required by the State of Illinois to have a dental exam.  A copy of their dental exam must be on file in your school’s nurses’ office by May 15, 2021. If you have already turned in your dental form, please disregard this notice. 

 If your student has already had their dental exam please turn in the form to the Nurse’s office as soon as possible.  If he/she has not completed the exam call your dentist to schedule an appointment. If you feel you are unable to obtain this exam due to financial reasons, or any other reason, talk to your school nurse.

 If you have any questions, please call your school nurse or my office at 815-285-8630.

 Thank you for your cooperation,

 Sherry Hafer R.N.

District Nurse